Do sea turtles communicate among themselves?
Sea turtles do communicate but their communication is scarce as there is a lesser need to communicate between each other because most of them are solitary. Perhaps their communication is considered as adequate as they have survived millions of years until today.
Do turtles have teeth?
Have you ever wondered whether turtles have teeth? It is surprising to know that today’s turtles including freshwater turtles, sea turtles, terrapins and tortoises are the only reptiles that do not possess any teeth.
How many eggs does a turtle lay at a time?
Did you know that the number of eggs in a turtle nest, known as a clutch, varies depending on the species? Most species lay eggs once a year; a few species lay every other year, and some species lay more than twice in a single nesting season.
Which is the smallest turtle in the world?
The Speckled Dwarf Tortoise is the smallest turtle in the world. This tiny turtle is naturally endemic to South Africa, restricted to a small area in Little Namaqualand.
How does climate change threaten sea turtles?
Climate change threatens sea turtles in a number of ways, including increase in sea level, which translates to the loss of nesting beaches; increase in global temperatures, which results in a skewed sex ratio in natural nests; and changes in the sea currents, which alters the distribution of their prey.
Why do turtles have shells?
Turtles are quite different from other quadrupeds because their shells are a unique feature. Often, we might mistake these shells as their ‘homes’ or even as ‘deadweight’ that restrict their movement and make them sluggish. Today, it is widely accepted that their shells serve as armours that shield them from predators.
Up close with the Green turtle
It was an amazing experience, being able to witness the nesting of a Green turtle. First, the turtle digs a body pit big enough for her to be comfortable in. Then, she carves an egg chamber for the eggs. When she is ready, she lays her eggs, 2-3 eggs at a time, and then she covers her egg chamber. Before leaving the nest behind, she sand bathes for about an hour, in an attempt to camouflage her nest. The entire nesting process may easily take 3 hours to complete!
My experiences conducting Turtle Camps
I have never been good with kids. I’ve always thought that kids were annoying. I couldn’t even bring myself to carry a baby. They will never listen to you and they wouldn’t do anything except play. Putting my ego away, I challenged myself to join TCS as an intern and SURPRISINGLY it was the best decision that I’ve made for my life.
Our first volunteer from Hong Kong
To many people, it is actually quite a “crazy” thing to do, i.e. to go to another country and spend time volunteering for a local NGO. For me, I just felt that it was a very “natural” decision that my instinct told me to make as soon as I found out that TCS was looking for a few interns. I was so excited when I was shortlisted!
A meaningful 3D2N programme with PTPI Sri KDU, KL
We organized a 3D2N programme for the students of People-To-People-International (PTPI) from Sri KDU Secondary School in conjunction with their annual Global Youth Service Day. Our activities included a gotong-royong (community service) and a Turtle Awareness Programme, and it was facilitated by two teachers, Ms. Chuah and Mr. Davey.
A great experience!
My friend and I immediately signed up for this programme as soon as we were notified of it. Even though we didn’t really know what to expect, we seized the opportunity and got a shot at a lovely and unforgettable experience.
Turtles and Life
Edward Lim and Danial Tiang were our first volunteers who participated in our Kemaman River Terrapin Volunteer Programme, which was rolled out at the beginning of the River Terrapin nesting season. Following is a reflection of Edward’s experiences in a River Terrapin project, and in life.
‘Paper boat’ pollution on Perhentian Islands
Even paper trash poses a threat to sea turtles, warns environmentalist after participants of a team-building event fail to clean up after their function.
Tuntung makin pupus
Walaupun dilindungi sepenuhnya di bawah Akta Hidupan Liar 2010, sikap manusia, proses pembangunan, pencemaran dan perubahan alam termasuk banjir besar menjadi penyumbang yang mengancam masa depan tuntung, malah boleh membawa kepada kepupusan.
Populasi tuntung makin membimbangkan
Populasi tuntung di enam sungai utama di Terengganu semakin pupus selepas jumlah telur yang menetas mencatatkan penurunan setiap tahun.
Populasi tuntung di Kemaman diancam kepupusan – NGO
Populasi tuntung sungai di daerah Kemaman kini semakin diancam kepupusan, malah semakin kritikal apabila jumlah telur yang ditetaskan ibu tuntung kini berkurangan setiap tahun.
Terrapin conservation gains momentum in Kemaman
For World Turtle Day, Chen Pelf Nyok played tour guide to six inquisitive families which travelled all the way to Kemaman, Terengganu, from the city.
Celebrating World Turtle Day on 23rd May
TCS celebrates World Turtle Day on 23rd May with the local community in Kuala Terengganu with lots of turtle-themed activities and games.