Become a Member
Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia (TCS) is a membership-based Society. All persons who subscribe to the objectives of the Society is welcome to apply for a membership.
As a Life member, you will be a part of an exciting partnership that contributes to the protection and conservation of turtles in Malaysia. For an annual subscription fee of only RM100.00, you may also participate in all the outreach activities that the Society carries out at a discounted rate; and newsletters as well as updates from the field. Life members are also entitled to a special discount on selected exclusive turtle-themed merchandise.
Affiliate memberships are open to like-minded organisations as well as persons who wish to conduct turtle-related activities (e.g., to co-organise conferences, workshops, expeditions, carry out collaborative research, etc.) under the auspices of the Society.

Join Us Today!
To sign up as a Life or Affiliate member, please:
Fill up the form below.
Then, remit payment. Our bank account details are as follows:
Name: Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia
Bank: CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
Acc. No.: 860 316 3577
PayPal email: co*******@tu***********************.my
Please email the proof of payment to us pe**@tu***********************.my (because the bank doesn’t send us real-time notifications).
Your application will be processed once we’ve received your payment.